News and Opportunities


July, 2020

*Cross-posted from and USGCRP email blast*

Submit your AGU Abstract: Inform CCIWG Deliberations

June, 2020

Who are we? Know the Program Managers: Dr. Anna Karion, NIST
Quantifying emission reductions associated with the corona virus response
GLODAPv2.2020 release
Dr. Peter Marcotullio: SOCCR2 Expert appointed to for Fourth New York City Climate Change Assessment Panel
Submit your AGU Abstract & inform CCIWG deliberations: A Decade of Progress in Global Carbon Cycle Science
SOCCR2: Research Opportunities to Inform Decisions
News, Opportunities, Partnerships

Science Mission Directorate
NASA Research Announcement
Carbon Monitoring System
Solicitation: NNH20ZDA001N-CMS

On 9 April 2020 the Belmont Forum launched a Collaborative Research Action on the theme: Towards Sustainability of Soils and Groundwater for Society.

May, 2020

Who are we? Know the Program Managers - Dr. Ken Mooney
What is the Carbon Cycle? SOCCR2 Authors speak.
News and Opportunities
How are you using SOCCR2?
Call for your COVID-19 Carbon Stories
Helpful links

*Excerpts cross-posted from NASA*
