News and Opportunities


March, 2022

The first Diversity Assessment Report of the North American Carbon Program (NACP) has been published. Thanks to all who contributed to this effort, sharing personal experiences and insights to help inform progressive actions toward an inclusive and equitably diverse future for the NACP community of scientists.

February, 2022

January, 2022

Recordings of major activities from our Dec 2021 AGU activities are available here. Thanks to all who joined us and provided helpful feedback to us.

screenshots of videos of ghg-cdr-ocb-nacp-ccspo-2021dec events


December, 2021

November, 2021

*Cross-posted from, content shared by the Global Carbon Project, edited/formatted below by the U.S. Carbon Program Office*


CCSP and NACP Logos

U.S. Carbon Program Leadership Award 

for North American Carbon Science Community Engagement, Communication and Collaborations

The XII International Carbon Symposium in México was completed in October 2021. We had the pleasure of brainstorming ideas with the participants and our colleagues from Programa Mexicano del Carbono (PMC) during a special session entitled, 'NACP-PMC: Where we are and where we want to go'.

 IG3IS Urban Greenhouse Gas Emission Observation and Monitoring Best Research Practices


  WMO GAW IG3IS Report 2021

October, 2021

How can the management of wetlands influence carbon stocks and fluxes? You will find some comprehensive answers in this book that was just published by the American Geophysical Union. Former co-chair of the CCIWG, Dr.
