News and Opportunities


July, 2014

Applications should focus on measurements, experiments, modeling or synthesis to provide improved quantitative and predictive understanding of terrestrial ecosystems....

Multi-agency earth observations, global climate change, R & D for informed policy-making and management are prioritized by OMB and OSTP....

Several sessions, including ours, are accepting carbon, GHG research abstracts for the December 2014 AGU meeting in San Francisco....

A blueprint for maximizing the value of observations collected by Federal agencies of the Earth’s land surfaces, oceans, and atmosphere....

Regional Ecosystem Prediction Program; Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research, Multiple effects of ocean acidification and nutrient loading to coastal marine ecosystems...

June, 2014

The third USGS biological carbon assessment fulfills the requirements of section 712 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007...

To be convened January 26–29, 2015, PIM5 will be followed by a principal investigators' meeting focused on AmeriFlux on January 29-30, 2015 and preceded by a workshop on Data Management Practices for Early Career Scientists on the afternoon of Sunday, January 25, 2015...

May, 2014

Where and how to access, print, order the report; major findings; carbon cycle in the NCA...

April, 2014

This meeting will be held from May 8 to 9, 2014....

CCIWG member NASA's CMS Continuing Prototype Product Development, Research, and Scoping activity focuses on pilot studies, acquisition, field sampling, quantification, and development of prototype MRV system capabilities for transparent data products achieving levels of precision and accuracy required by current carbon trading protocols....
