XII International Carbon Symposium in México
The XII International Carbon Symposium in México was completed in October 2021. We had the pleasure of brainstorming ideas with the participants and our colleagues from Programa Mexicano del Carbono (PMC) during a special session entitled, 'NACP-PMC: Where we are and where we want to go'.

Excerpts about this session from the meeting materials:
The PMC was proposed as the scientific counterpart of the government in the JNACP (Joint North American Carbon Program, today CarboNA) to implement strategies on the subject at the North American level (Canada, USA and Mexico), in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the three countries. CarboNA is a joint initiative at the level of the governments of Canada, the United States of America and Mexico, whose goal is to establish a great cohesion throughout North America in the fields of the dynamics of carbon stores and greenhouse gas flows, and mitigation strategies related to carbon, through the identification of priority problems on a continental scale and the promotion of collaborative research in areas of common interest and complementary capacities. In Mexico, the PMC’s mission is to coordinate the scientific activity associated with the carbon cycle, aimed at generating elements for public policies and the development of mitigation and adaptation actions, as well as the reduction of vulnerabilities, for Mexican society. Currently the PMC has more than 350 active members from more than 30 national institutions. In this meeting, relevant topics that add to the good relations between the PMC and the NACP were discussed, such as:
- Improve communication with the NACP and PMC.
- Inclusion of Mexico in the North American carbon context.
- Current collaboratins
- Synthesis of information.
- Empower and recognize the efforts of carbon cycle science in Mexico.
- Promote publications from Mexico.
- Assist in data management.
- Promote “good practices” in the different study environments.
- Provide global network integration through synthesis product development.
Coordinadores / Coordinators
- Dra. Elisabeth K Larson, Coordinator for the North American Carbon Program (NACP)
- Dra. Gyami Shrestha, Director of U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program Office (CCSPO)
- Dra. Nancy Cavarallo, Ex Co-chair Carbon Cycle Intergency Working Group (CCIWG)
- Dr. Rodrigo Vargas, University of Delaware - PMC
- Dr. Felipe Oliva, UNAM-PMC
- Dr. J. Martin Hernández Ayón, UABC - PMC