SOCCR2 and NCA4 Released

SOCCR2, a Sustained Assessment report of the U.S. Global Change Research Program was released on November 23, 2018.
(Use #SOCCR2 #NCA4 in social media communications please.)
The Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2) was released by the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) on Friday, November 23, 2018.
With over 200 contributing experts, this interagency Highly Influential Scientific Assessment was led by the Carbon Cycle Interagency Working Group (CCIWG) and U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program under USGCRP auspices.
Incorporating 19 chapters distributed across four interconnected sections (I. Synthesis, II. Human Dimensions of the Carbon Cycle, III. State of Air, Land, and Water, IV. Consequences and Ways Forward), SOCCR2 assesses the last decade of cross-sectoral carbon cycle advances across the U.S., Canada and Mexico, in the global context.
Individual chapter PDF links are provided below and can also be downloaded via
The 36-page SOCCR2 Report-in-Brief includes the Executive Summary and a plain language overview.
Thanks to all of carbon cycle science colleagues and friends who helped in many ways, including in producing and sharing the science, tools and and knowledge assessed in #SOCCR2.
Links to individual SOCCR2 PDFs
Download by sections of chapters (PDF files):
I. Synthesis
II. Human Dimensions of the Carbon Cycle
III. State of Air, Land, and Water
IV. Consequences and Ways Forward