SOCCR2 Leads' Workshop Completed
Over 45 members of the 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2) Team met at USDA NIFA in Washington, D.C. from April 3 to 5, 2018.
During the period of 2.5 days, participants deliberated key remaining issues from the public and National Academy of Sciences SOCCR2 fourth-order draft review period and worked on revising the draft chapters collaboratively across chapters.
After author revisions and responses to public and National Academy of Sciences reviews are completed, the fifth-order draft of SOCCR2 will undergo a final round of showstopper review and clearance processes determined by the Subcommittee on Globlal Change Research (SGCR) agency Principals. The finaized report is planned for release in mid-2018.