Open Science Meeting of the North American Carbon Program - Completion and Recordings
The future is here: North American Carbon Cycle Science for a Changed Climate
Open Science Meeting of the North American Carbon Program

#carbonfriday #NACP2021
On March 26, 2021, we concluded the 7th Open Science Meeting of the North American Carbon Program (NACP). With 528 registered participants and over 1700 total views throughout 4 consecutive Fridays in March 2021, this open and free interactive event covered carbon cycle science and related social sciences and carbon management policies including topics at their interfaces, e.g., providing usable climate and carbon information, alternative carbon futures, policies and practices at the municipal level to mitigate carbon and address climate challenges in industry, and youth and student perspectives. We thank the entire Meeting Planning Committee, the funders (NASA, USDA NIFA and Carbon Cycle Interagency Working Group), all the presenters, panelists and participants for the successful completion of this bi/triennial gathering of the top carbon cycle science experts, managers and stakeholders in North America! In case you missed the live events, please watch the recordings on our Youtube Channel and below.
March 5/Day 1 recording with live Q & A.

Agency/interagency updates
- US CSSP (Gyami Shrestha) [recording]
- USDA USFS (Anne Marsh) [recording]
- USDA NIFA (Megan O'Rourke) [recording]
- USDA ARS (Sarah Beebout) [recording]
- NOAA (Dwight Gledhill) [recording]
- NASA CCE (Laura Lorenzoni) [recording]
- NIST (James Whetstone) [recording]
- NSF (Heather Throop) [recording]
- USGS (Zhiliang Zhu) [recording]
Stakeholder Engagement Chairs: Xiangming Xiao, Gyami Shrestha
Diagnosis and Attribution of NA Carbon Cycle Chairs: Bassil El Masri, Oliver Sonnentag, Jiafu Mao
Student Poster Speed Talks
March 12/Day 2 recording with live Q & A.
Why do we need IPCC special reports? Chairs: Ben Poulter, Cecy Chapa
- Felipe García Oliva, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Werner Kurz, Natural Resources Canada
- Ted Schuur, Northern Arizona University
- Elena Shevliakova, NOAA
- Pamela McElwee, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Next-Gen Data Management, Syntheses, and Products Chairs: Debjani Singh, Jiafu Mao, Bassil El Masri, Andy Fox
Advances in Methane Measurements, Attribution and Modeling Chairs: Ben Poulter, Guillermo Murray-Tortarolo
Vulnerability, Resilience Chairs: Gyami Shrestha, Marcy Litvak
Adaptation and Mitigation in the Context of Carbon-Climate Feedbacks
March 19/Day 3 recording with live Q & A.
How are North American Cities advancing carbon science and management? Chairs: Chris Osburn, Altaf Arain, Gyami Shrestha
- Cyndy Comerford, Climate Program Manager for the City of San Francisco
- Andrés Flores, WRI México
- Mark Winfield, York University
Alternative Carbon Futures Chairs: John King, Chris Williams, Zhiliang Zhu
NACP Science Implementation Plan Discussion - Chris Williams and writing team, NACP Science Leadership Group (SLG)
How can the carbon cycle science community communicate more effectively with other audiences? Chairs: Sarah Cooley, Gyami Shrestha, Simone Alin
March 24, 2021 - NACP Data Management Workshop

Friday, March 26/Day 4 recording with live Q & A.
What is the science needed for Alternative Carbon Futures? Chairs: John King, Chris Williams
- Chris Adamo, Danone North America
- Justin Baker, RTI International
- Julie Cerqueira, US Climate Alliance
- Jennifer Jenkins, Enviva
- Abraham Silverman, New Jersey Board of Public Utilities
Linkages among the Air-Land-Water Continuum Chairs: Chris Osburn, John King, Maria Tzortziou
From Observations to Predictions Chairs: Gretchen Keppel-Aleks, Lisa Windham-Myers
Presentation on the 5th National Climate Assessment - Betsy Weatherhead, US Global Change Research Program and White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Reports from Breakout Working Groups
Groups 1-4
- #1 Carbon Cycle Reanalysis (Grant Domke, Kevin Schaefer) [recording]
- #2 Exploring Linkages Between the Carbon Cycle and Biodiversity in North American Ecosystems (Erika Podest, Iris Anderson) [presentation]
- #3 Working with Boundary Organizations to extend impact (Molly Brown) [recording]
- #4 Climate change and extreme hydrologic events: A temporal perspective on carbon fluxes across the aquatic continuum (Heather Benway, Maria Tzortziou, Iris Anderson, Thomas Bianchi, Christopher Osburn, Hans Paerl, Joseph Crosswell) [recording]
Reports from Breakout Working Groups
Groups 5-8
- #5 Carbon Cycle Metrics for Assessing Model Performance (Forrest Hoffman) [recording]
- #6 Advancing Carbon Cycle Diagnostics: Challenges and opportunities (Ken Davis)
- #7 Climate Change Mitigation and the NACP (Erika Podest, Kevin Schaefer, Benjamin Poulter, Christopher Williams) [recording]
- #8 How can the carbon cycle science community communicate more effectively with other audiences? (Sarah Cooley, Gyami Shrestha, Simone Alin) [recording]