Ameriflux Annual Meeting 2020 recap
Hundreds of U.S. and international carbon cycle scientists discussed research on CO2, water, and energy fluxes in North, Central and South America during the 2020 Annual Ameriflux Meeting in October 2020. The theme of the meeting was ‘Bridging the Americas’, with an explicit focus on continent-wide participation, informing decision makers, and open science.
The U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program Office Director, Dr. Gyami Shrestha, was invited to deliver a presentation as part of the first day's keynote session. Dr. Shrestha's talk, “Past to Future: A Vision for Diverse and Inclusive Carbon Cycle Science Collaborations”. View this and other recorded talks.
A meeting summary, along with thoughts on the virtul meeting format, was provided by the Planning Committee member Dr. Trevor Keennan (UC Berkeley) in our Oct-Nov 2020 Carbon Digest. We'd like to thank and congratulate the Ameriflux Meeting Planning Committee for inviting us and for the successful organization of this international annual meeting.

AmeriFlux is a network of PI-managed sites measuring ecosystem CO2, water, and energy fluxes in North, Central and South America. It was established to connect research on field sites representing major climate and ecological biomes, including tundra, grasslands, savanna, crops, and conifer, deciduous, and tropical forests. As a grassroots, investigator-driven network, the AmeriFlux community has tailored instrumentation to suit each unique ecosystem. This “coalition of the willing” is diverse in its interests, use of technologies and collaborative approaches. As a result, the AmeriFlux Network continually pioneers new ground.